Frequently Asked Questions

Still having questions? See if you can find the right answers to them below!
Here you will also find answers to questions we often receive from our customers. If you don’t find an answer to your question here
What sensors can I use with PerfectLum?

PerfectLum is compatible with a variety of measurement devices.

Display front sensors


○ QUBYX PerfectLum s1

○ Calibrite Display Pro HL

○ Calibrite Display Plus HL

○ Calibrite Display SL

○ X-Rite i1 display

○ X-Rite i1 Display 2

○ X-Rite i1 Display Pro

○ X-Rite DTP 94

○ Datacolor Spyder3

○ Datacolor Spyder4

○ Datacolor Spyder5

○ Datacolor SpyderX

○ Konica Minolta CA210

○ Konica Minolta CS1000


Spectral photometers

○ X-Rite Eye-One Pro

○ X-Rite Eye-One Monitor

○ PhotoResearch PR 670

○ IBA dositometry / Wellhoefer LX Chroma

Spot luminance meters

○ IBA dosimetry / Wellhoefer LX Plus

○ IBA dosimetry / Wellhoefer LX Can

○ Pehamed CD mon

○ Pehamed CD LUX

○ Pehamed CD Lux plus

○ Gossen Mavospot

See more in the PerfectLum manual

What displays can I calibrate with PerfectLum?

PerfectLum can calibrate nearly any display and make even an older, commercial, or laptop display fit for medical imaging.

What OS is PerfectLum compatible with? Can I use it on Mac?

PerfectLum can be used on Windows 7, 8 , 10 and 11; and Aplle Macintosh OS X from Mac OS 12.

Do I have to reboot after installing PerfectLum?

It is not required, but can be helpful for sensor driver installation.

How do I activate the software after I bought the license?

To activate your license, you need to register it either automatically, if a workstation is connected to the Internet, or manually, if it is not.


Press “License” in the main window title bar and select “Registration/Activation”. In the window that opens, enter your serial number, choose automatic activation type, and enter your email address. Click “Activate” to complete the registration. Please note that automatic activation is possible only if your machine is connected to the Internet.


Go to www.qubyx.com/index.php/register and fill out the form. Enter the serial number provided above, the generated workstation ID, and user information.

To get the generated workstation ID the form requires, open the “Registration/Activation” window in the software and select manual activation type. The software will provide a generated workstation ID.

When the filled out form is submitted, you will receive an activation code by email. Enter this code into the corresponding field in the “Registration/Activation” window of the software and click “Activate”.

How can I upgrade my PerfectLum3 to PerfectLum4?

You just need to download PerfectLum 4 and install it. All preferences and history from your previous versions will be preserved.

The upgrade is not free, but we offer special pricing on PerfectLum v4 for PerfectLum v3 users. Contact us to receive a quote.

Is it possible to disable automatic updates of PerfectLum?

Yes, please go to PerfectLum preferences (Ctrl+P on Windows or Function+P on Mac) and uncheck “Update software automatically” in Application tab.

I need to calibrate the display to a high luminance level, e.g. 500 cd/m2. Can I do that with PerfectLum?

PerfectLum does not have any restrictions as to the highest possible luminance level. This depends on the capabilities of your display (maximum luminance is normally stated in display specifications). If your display is capable of reproducing 500 cd/m2, PerfectLum can calibrate it to this level.

Target luminance level can be defined in Preferences > Calibration Settings > Set White Level.

Can I compare “before” and “after” calibration to see the results?

In PerfectLum you can check the calibration effect visually, using test patterns. After you have successfully calibrated the display, go to Tools > Display Test Pattern in PerfectLum main window. There you can choose one of the test patterns or any other image from your PC. Click “View and Check” to view the test image, and in the top right-hand corner you will see a button to switch off and switch on the calibration. If you want check the effect not on the test image, but just in general, use the PerfectLum LUT Loader tray icon (bottom right-hand corner). Right-click on it and you will see the name of your display(s) with a tick (this means that calibration LUT is applied on a display). Left-click on the display name to unapply the calibration LUT and to apply it again.

I've lost my PerfectLum3 preferences password, how do I restore or reset it?

To reset your password, you need to close LUT loader and PerfectLum applications first. Then go to C:\programdata\qubyx\perfectlum and delete the full database file called storage.db.
*** Please note: all history data and settings will be lost.

I´m getting an error message “LUT upload failed” during the calibration process.

Verify if the graphic card you are using has a LUT (Look Up Table). If you are using a laptop with a 2nd display connected, you may not be able to calibrate the external display, as laptop graphic cards usually have only one LUT. In this case select the external display in single display mode (you can do that in your OS settings or video card settings).

I´m getting an error message “sensor not found”.

Verify if the sensor is connected correctly to the machine and if the USB port is active. Eventually change the port to test. Reboot the computer, and if you are still getting the error message, contact support(at)qubyx(dot)com for help on sensor installation.

I need to customize standard QA procedures to my needs. Can I do that in PerfectLum?

You can create a personalized QA procedure in PerfectLum 3.0 Suite in Regulations Manager.

To open Regulations Manager, go to PerfectLum Suite -> Preferences (or press Ctrl+P), select QA settings tab -> Regulation -> Regulation Manager.

When the regulation manager window pops up:

1. choose what default regulation (AAPM, DIN, JESRA) and classification (primary, secondary) will your regulation be based on. Pick the name for your regulation and click “Continue” button;

2. in the next pop up window (Regulation Editor) select steps that will be included in your regulation by checking/unchecking boxes. Then select frequency of constancy tests for each step. If you select “none” frequency, the step will not be included in constancy tests;

3. select if acceptance test will be mandatory for your regulation by checking/unchecking corresponding box. If the box is unchecked, constancy tests will be already scheduled in the scheduler tab, if you check it – you need to pass acceptance test first;

4. to edit thresholds for your regulation, press “Parameter Editor” button. In the pop up window double click on a value to edit it and press “enter” to save it;

5. press “Save” to save your regulation and close the regulation editor.

Back in the main window of regulation manager there are four more options:

– “Open User Regulation to Edit” – enabled once you have created/imported at least one regulation. Choose this option to edit one of your regulations;

– “Export User Regulation” – enabled once you have created/imported at least one regulation. Allows exporting your regulation to a separate file;

– “Import User Regulation(s)” – choose this option to import one or more user regulations;

– “Delete User Regulation” – enabled when at least one user regulation is available. Choose it to delete aone of the regulations you created or imported.

Can I use free Remote Management with the demo version of PerfectLum? Or is it available only with the licensed version?

You can use fully functional free Remote Management with demo version of PerfectLum. When the demo version expires, you will still have access to your administrator account and history, but will not be able to perform any calibrations or QA.

Is it possible to extend the PerfectLum evaluation period?

Our 15-day free demo gives you a taste of PerfectLum and time to evaluate if it’s right for you. However, we understand that everyone gets busy and sometimes 15 days are not enough, so we allow a one-time extension so you can continue evaluating the product. After your demo period expires and you want to request more time, please do not hesitate to contact us. When you receive an extension code from us, please run PerfectLum, click “License” in the main window and select “Registration/Activation”. In the window that opens, enter the extension code, choose automatic activation type, and enter your email address. Click “Activate”. Done!

How can I buy a QUBYX product?

You can do it online in our e-shop or contact us at sales(at)qubyx(dot)com and request a quote if you need one.

Is it safe to buy QUBYX products online?

The e-shop on our website is safe to use and designed to protect your credit card information and other data you enter. Please note that we cannot guarantee the same security on any other website that might offer our products for sale.

I have bought software in QUBYX e-shop. How and when will I receive the serial number?

You will receive a serial number by email within 24 hours after the payment is confirmed.

I have bought hardware in QUBYX e-shop. How and when will I receive them delivered?

We will ship your hardware as soon as the payment is confirmed, provided that the hardware is in stock. The time of shipping depends on your location.

I have received a quote and want to proceed with the purchase. What do I do?

You should send us your PO (placed order). We will send you the invoice with the due payment date stated. Payment conditions are discussed individually.

Do I get any discount on group orders?

Yes, we offer a flexible discount scheme that depends on the volume of your order. For specific pricing details, please contact our sales department at sales@qubyx.org

Do you work with resellers and distributors, or do you only sell your products directly?

We are willing to work with resellers and distributors in various areas and offer them a discount scheme.

Do you work with resellers and distributors, or do you only sell your products directly?

We are willing to work with resellers and distributors in various areas and offer them a discount scheme.

I would like to become a reseller of QUBYX products. What is the procedure?

Fill out the form at our Become a Reseller page or send us an email at sales(at)qubyx(dot)com. We will discuss the details and sign an agreement if both parties are willing to cooperate on its terms.

Do you grant exclusivity to resellers/distributors?

Normally we do not grant any exclusivity to the resellers. However, in exceptional cases – when the area covered is very small – it is possible.

We are display manufacturers and would like to add calibration software to our displays. Do you take up such projects?

Yes, we are willing to cooperate with display manufacturers and can offer customized solutions for them. Please contact us at sales(at)qubyx(dot)com to discuss your project.

I would like to obtain the right to sell QUBYX products under my branding. Is that possible?
We can offer you OEM products (license-only or complete package, branded to your needs). Please contact us at sales(at)qubyx(dot)com to discuss the details.
What sensors can I use for display calibration with PressProof?

PressProof is compatible with a variety of measurement devices.


○ X-Rite / Gretag Macbeth Eye-One display

○ X-Rite / Gretag Macbeth Eye-One display 2

○ X-Rite Monaco OPTIX XR

○ X-Rite DTP 94

○ X-Rite i1 Display Pro

○ Sequel Gamma 3

○ Sequel Chroma 4

○ Sequel Chroma 5

○ Datacolor Spyder 3

○ Datacolor Spyder 4

○ Datacolor Spyder5

○ Konica Minolta CS200

○ Konica Minolta CA210

○ VeriLUM Sensor by Image Smiths


○ Gretag Macbeth Eye-One Pro

○ Gretag Macbeth Eye-One Monitor

○ Photo Research PR-670 SpectraScan

○ JETI specbos 1001

○ JETI specbos 2001

○ JETI specbos 2101

○ JETI specbos 4001

Spot Luminancemeters:

○ IBA densitometry / Wellhoefer LX Plus

○ IBA densitometry / Wellhoefer LX Can

○ Pehamed CD-Mon

○ Pehamed CD-Lux

○ Pehamed CD-Lux Plus


See more in the PressProof manual

What displays can I calibrate with PressProof?

PressProof can calibrate nearly any display

What printers can I profile with PressProof?

With PressProof you can create multiple ICC v4 profiles for any RGB/CMYK/Monochrome printer.

What sensors can I use for printer profiling with PressProof?

PressProof is compatible with the following measurement devices:

○ X-rite Gretag Macbeth Eye-One Pro

○ X-rite Gretag Macbeth Eye-One Pro 2

○ Datacolor Spyder3print SR

What cameras can I profile with PressProof?

With PressProof you can profile any digital camera.

What test charts can I use to profile my digital camera?

To create multiple profiles for your camera you can use the following test charts:

○ ColorChecker 24

○ HutchColor

○ IT8.7/2

○ QPCard 201

○ QPCard 203

○ SpyderChecker

What image formats does PressProof support?

PressProof supports the following image file formats: jpeg, bmp, png and tiff.

What OS is PressProof compatible with? Can I use it on Mac or Linux?

PressProof can be used on Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10; and Macintosh OS X from 10.7. Currently there is no Linux version of PressProof available.

How do I activate the software after I bought the license?

To activate your license, you need to register it either automatically, if a workstation is connected to the Internet, or manually, if it is not.

Automatic activation: Please click the “License Activation” button in the main window, then click “Add License” button, enter the serial number you obtained when you purchased the license and choose automatic activation type. Then enter and confirm your e-mail address and click the “Activate” button. Please note that automatic activation is possible only if your machine is connected to the Internet.

Manual activation: go to the following link www.qubyx.com/index.php/register and fill in the form. Enter the serial number you obtained when you purchased the license, the generated workstation ID, and user information. To get the generated workstation ID the form requires, open the “License Activation” window in the software and select manual activation type. The software will provide a generated workstation ID.When you submit the form, an activation code will be sent to your e-mail. Enter this code into the field in the “License Activation” window and click the “Activate” button.

Can I compare “before” and “after” calibration to see the results?

After you have successfully calibrated the display, go to Tools > Display Test Pattern. In the drop-down menu you will find a list of different test patterns helping you to evaluate the performance of the display visually. Please choose any of the available test patterns and click “View and Check” button to view the test image. In the top right-hand corner you will see a button to switch off and switch on the calibration. If you want check the effect not on the test image, but just in general, use the PressProof LUT Loader tray icon (bottom right-hand corner). Right-click on it and you will see the name of your display(s) with a tick (this means that calibration LUT is applied on a display). Left-click on the display name to unapply the calibration LUT and to apply it again.

What are the functions available to try during the test period?

To check the licenses functionality please go to:PressProof Manual point 3.1

Note: You can use fully functional free Remote Management and QA licenses with demo version of PressProof and after the test period has expired.

Can I use PerfectLum & Dell UP3216Q for all diagnostic purposes?
According to the FDA clearance for the bundle, “The DELL UltraSharp UP3216Q with QUBYX PerfectLum is intended to be used in displaying

and viewing of digital images, for review and analysis by trained medical practitioners. These devices must not be used in primary image diagnosis in mammography. The device can not be used for a life-support system.”
What do I get when I buy PerfectLum & Dell UP3216Q?

You will get a package with the display itself, a link to download the PerfectLum software, a quick start guide, and a document stating your PerfectLum serial number(s). So, you will have everything to start using the display.

I already have a Dell UP3216Q. Can I just buy PerfectLum, calibrate my display and use it for diagnostics?

Technically, you can do it – the quality of the image will be sufficient. Legally, however, only the bundles provided by QUBYX have FDA 510(k) clearance.

Can I buy PerfectLum & Dell UP3216Q locally in the USA?
Yes, please contact us at info@qubyx.org for further information.
Can a standard display (non-medical grade display) be calibrated to suit DICOM GSDF curve as per the different ambient luminance value?

Yes, you can calibrate any display to DICOM GSDF with PerfectLum. PerfectLum does also take the ambient light into account.

If the monitor is not meeting the DICOM greyscale value, how does PerfectLum help to adjust the value?

The software will create a correction LUT and upload the LUT into the Display (if supported) or does apply on the graphics board.

Do we need any special type of monitor for this application?

No, you can use any display. 

Does PerfectLum generate LUT as per deviation during calibration (which the end-user must incorporate into their image viewing software)?
The correction LUT is applied on the graphics board or into the monitor. You can apply other specific LUT’s inside your application.
How does PerfectLum manage the impact of ambient light?
At the beginning of the calibration the software will measure the veiling glare. The veiling glare value will be used as an offset during the calibration.
Does PerfectLum support VeriLUM grey scale photometer which I have already?
Yes, see supported measuring devices in PerfectLum software manual
Is this software free or I have to buy?
Software is free to try for 30 days and after it can be purchased on line.
Can the software be purchased and downloaded on line?
Software may be purchased on line at https://qubyx.org/en/shop or downloaded at https://qubyx.org/en/download
What measurement features are available in PerfectLum?
See PerefctLum software manual
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